
key capabilities needed for
effective budgeting and planning to
small and medium sized companies

self-service to planning and budgeting

  • Simple to
    set up
  • Very easy
    to use
  • Can be set up
    without any
    IT or external
    consultant assistance
  • Links easily with your
    databases and
    reporting solutions

EFFECTIVEPLANNING is fully dynamic and easy to adapt to your specific needs

EFFECTIVEPLANNING gives you the capabilities of larger and more complex solutions at a fraction of the cost and effort

  • Financial planning

    Plan by account or account group at any level, by department, project and any other relevant dimensions. Build calculation rules to automate financial planning and create driver-based models.

  • Sales planning

    Plan and forecast by products and product groups, customers and customer groups and any other relevant dimensions. Define your measures and calculations based on the needs of your business

  • Other examples

    Purchase planning, Payroll planning, Investment planning, Production planning.

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